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Semantic Nullability For Application Developers

Semantic Nullability For Application Developers

by Alex Reilly

Semantic Nullability

This blog post is directed at application developers using GraphQL. If you are a library author, you should read the more detailed feature spec instead.

GraphQL has some fundamental problems, and to talk about them, we first have to talk about GraphQL’s type system. GraphQL allows you to define a schema, and to do that many developers write a document in Schema Definition Language, or SDL. A SDL document may look like this

type User { 
  id: ID! 
  name: String!
  age: Int
  posts: [Post] 

One thing to make clear: is this is not like using a type system in a compiled language (TS, Swift, Kotlin) where the type system makes compile-time guarantees about behavior at runtime. Rather you can think of GraphQL’s type system as a “runtime” type system. You can trust that age will be an Int, because at runtime, GraphQL will assert that it is a Int, and throw an error if it is not. All types effectively represent a typecast, or a type assertion.

This results in null having two different meanings in GraphQL.

  1. No value was provided. The User never provided an age.
  2. There was an error resolving the field. The User provided an age in the form of a Float and it couldn’t be cast to an Int, or our new BirthdayBoy provider microservice timed out and never returned the User’s birthday.

We can differentiate between the two by calling the first null, and the second (Error, null). The first type is signaled by a null return value and no associated error in the errors array. The second is signaled by a null return value and an associated error in the errors array.

Returning to the GraphQL type system, we can see it has two options to indicate the nullability of a field.

  1. String which we now know means the field can be a String, null, or (Error, null)
  2. String! which we now know means the field can be String

When an error occurs resolving a String field, it’s not much of a problem for clients. They can decide if they can deal with that field missing or not. However when an error occurs resolving a String! field, GraphQL responds by destroying part of the result data before it’s sent to the client. Given the danger, many developers choose to never use any non-nullable fields.

Every time developers are surveyed about their issues with GraphQL, they talk about nullability. The Nullability Working Group has been hard at work, and we believe we finally have a solution.

The root of the problem is that developers want a way to express that all Users are expected to have an age, but if there is an error and GraphQL can’t resolve age, then they’d like to deal with it client-side. In order to do that, they need the type system to allow for a third type of nullability.

  1. A field which can be String or (Error, null)

This is what we’re calling “Semantic non-null”. The syntax we’ve chosen is the following

String!Semantic non-null
String!!Strict non-null

String remains exactly the same in meaning, String! becomes String!!, and String! is the new type meaning String or (Error, null). This is of course, a breaking change, and GraphQL prides itself in offering a path to non-breaking evolution for existing services. So alongside the new type, we’re introducing some mechanics to assist developers to make incremental updates to their applications.

Server migration

In order to migrate, start by updating your service to use the most recent version of GraphQL.

This will open up the option to begin evolving your schema document by document. You can place the document directive @extendedNullability at the top of a file to begin using the new type of nullability in that file. The directive will not impact the interpretation of any other files in your schema.

After migration, a User type would look like this.

type User { 
  id: ID!!
  name: String!!
  age: Int!
  posts: [Post!]!

We can now trust that age and posts will never be null unless an error causes their values to fail to resolve.

Frontend migration

Client libraries and code generation tools that support Semantic Nullability may provide a flags to alter their error handling behavior. In this example, ApolloClient is providing a configuration option that causes the access of a field with an error to throw.

const client = new ApolloClient({
  throwOnError: true

Semantic Nullability gives clients and GraphQL tools more flexibility in how they respond to errors. Some may want to recreate the existing destructive behavior of GraphQL or do something specific to their domain like Relay’s use of React error boundaries.

Because your client can decide how it handles errors, it will also be responsible for providing a modified version of the schema. For example, if the client raises an exception when an errored field is read, it can mark all “semantically non-null” fields as non-nullable in the schema provided to you as a frontend developer.

Example code generation

You should use the modified version of the schema when doing code generation for your frontend application.

Altering the error handling behavior of your client may be a breaking change if your schema has already adopted semantic nullability, so it’s suggested that you select new error handling behavior for your client first. Read the documentation for your specific client for more information.